Core Facility "Imaging of Materials Systems"
µCT Scan: ramification of Edgeworthia chrysantha - 3D reconstruction and cross-sections in transaxial plane (SFB-CRC 141 project A06) © Plant Biomechanics Group Freiburg
Specialised laboratory for microscopy and tomography, establishment of a competence network 3D visualisation
- In the framework of basic research on adaptive and bioinspired technologies and analyses of functional principles found in biological systems as role models for new technological developments the 3D visualization of complex functional and adaptive (micro)systems in living nature and technology is one of the key challenges.
- On basis of existing and additionally procured equipment a specialized laboratory for microscopy and tomography of natural and technical materials associated with the network of competence for 3D visualization can be established.
- A list of the devices can be found under "Technical equipment".
- Please contact the scientific head directly regarding costs (fee regulation) and registration procedures.
- Scientific head: Prof. Dr. Anna Fischer
- Responsible manager: Dr. Yi Thomann