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PD Dr. Karen Lienkamp

portrait lienkamp

Polymer Synthesis and Surface Engineering  – IMTEK
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
Georges-Koehler-Allee 103, D-79110 Freiburg


Karen Lienkamp studied Chemistry at the University of Cambridge/UK and the Freie Universität Berlin/Germany. She worked as a researcher at the Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz/Germany from 2003-2007. In 2006, she received her PhD from the University of Mainz. After postdoctoral studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA, she returned to Germany in 2010 and started an independent research group at the Department of Engineering (IMTEK) of the University of Freiburg/Germany. Her research focus is polymer synthesis and surface engineering. Lienkamp received her habilitation and venia legendi in Microsystems Engineering from IMTEK in 2017. She has received numerous competitive scholarships and grants from various organizations, including the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes), Funds of the German Chemical Industry (FCI), The Medical Foundation (MA, USA), the German Research Foundation (Emmy-Noether grant of the DFG), the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant), and the Federal Ministry of Education of Research (BMBF).

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